A KM - Knowledge ManagementManagement is a pioneering and multidisciplinary platform dedicated to the formation, promotion and dissemination of scientific knowledge. Acting as a reference editorial hub, both nationally and internationally, KM stands out for its continuous and thematic publication, always under the supervision of a highly qualified team made up of professors, researchers and professionals in the areas of social and health sciences.
KM aims to:
- Promote scientifically validated knowledge.
- Provide added value for the academic, professional and personal development of our recipients.
- Offer comprehensive training, from defining topics to discussing data.
- Supervise and guide all phases of study.
- Ensure the wide dissemination of results, whether through our own publications or in collaboration with other international scientific journals.
- Modernize social media management and design.
- Organize and promote scientific dissemination events.

A KM goes beyond traditional companies in the sector. It offers clients a complete training program, covering everything from science communication to ethical and deontological procedures. In addition, it covers topics such as research design, choice of magazines/newspapers and bibliographic reference software. The entire research process is meticulously controlled and evaluated by experts in scientific promotion and dissemination..
A KMis therefore committed to expanding and improving the services already offered, investing in innovative solutions that facilitate the promotion and dissemination of scientific knowledge, empowering our target audience with excellent training and supporting teaching materials. With KM, science and innovation go hand in hand, ensuring that knowledge reaches every corner of the world..